Transportes Ambientales SA:
Will be able to modify and up-to-date these Terms of Use at any time. The User could access the Information continuously if he has previously accepted to achieve these Modified Terms of Use.
At any time and at its exclusive criteria, Transportes Ambientales SA will be able to set up general rules or modify the limits as regards the information.
Authorizes to use the information systems exclusively to the companies which would contract the transportation services (The Companies) within the Argentine Republic territory.
Will assign the Companies a User Name (User ID) and a Password, named Manager Client. The Manager Client will have access to the administration (High, Low and Modification) of users named Consultation Clients. The Manager as well as the Client Consultation Users (Users) will have access to the information of tracking of services consigned by the Company to Transportes Ambientales SA.
User ID and Password: The user will use the password individually with the only purpose of accessing the information. It is forbidden for the User to distribute, supply or reveal its password to third parties. The User will be responsible of every act performed with its password. Transportes Ambientales SA advises or proposes to the Users the modification of their passwords at least twice a year.
Does not authorize any person o company to offer the information to any web site or reproduce, distribute, copy, keep, use or profit with the sale of information without the Transportes Ambientales manifested written consent. As a service directed to companies, it is forbidden to cede its right to use the information. It is definitely forbidden any other access or use contrary to the ones disposed hereto.
It is advised that the above-mentioned information is valid only at the time of consultation, so that Transportes Ambientales SA will have no responsibility over the truthfulness of the data which is totally or partially extracted from the web site to be used as reference.
Knows and understands the information received and referenced to as applicable, to the only effect of making use of it and to transfer it to its staff in due time with the required explanations to be applied in the area under its responsibility.
Transportes Ambientales SA engages to supply The Company of the required information for the tracking of transportation services, which will be considered as Confidential.
As used in hereto, Confidential Information includes: data, reports, analysis, records and others referred to the companies, addresses and others taking part.
As from the reception of the Confidential Information, the User obliges not to disclose it to any person, firm or company or to use it for its own profit, except when:
(a) It is of general knowledge at the time the user receives it.
(b) It has been developed by the one receiving it before its reception.
(c) It is required to the User by enforcement of law, regulation, disposition or court or competent government office verdict.
The User will have the right to reveal the Confidential Information without the previous consent of Transportes Ambientales SA to the following mentioned people in the need to know the Confidential Information with the purpose of accomplish the analysis of the business:
- Employees, officials and directors of any of the companies.
- Any person or professional engaged by the company with the purpose of analizing the Confidential Information, as long as this person obliges himself to respect the terms of this Agreement.